Thursday, May 13, 2010


I do not believe that someone can foretell your future...what is destined for you. Nonetheless I am curious by constitution. So I'd be lying if I told you I have never been to a soothsayer. It's amazing how they predict what lies in store in your future. Sometimes, it's utterly untrue, as has happened in several instances, and on some rare occasions they actually turn out to be true. And the latter part is what fascinates me the most. Can our stars/planetary positions indeed determine our destiny. Are we destined in merely the starry way? The answer, I believe, isn't so simplistic. I hear there's science involved. But if one could foretell one's destiny ever so nonchalantly, as someone did, very recently, what is it that i can do to make my own destiny? Can I never make my own destiny? Are we, really always, born with it? I still wonder at that unnerving thought...the idea that I have no control over my future, it's predetermined, preordained and that possibility is jarring indeed.

1 comment:

  1. give this a read....i din read it completely myself..but giv t a read...

